05.09.2022: 10th BfR-Summer Academy 2022
10th BfR-Summer Academy 2022
The 10th BfR-Summer Academy 2022 is a professional expert training course on risk assessment and risk communication in the area of food safety.
Welcome to the 10th BfR-Summer Academy on Risk Assessment and Risk Communication in the area of Food Safety!
The 10th BfR-Summer Academy 2022 will be conducted by highly qualified and experienced BfR-scientists as well as external experts with profound and long standing experience in the assessment and communication of chemical or microbial risks. The course is intended for members of staff of public organisations engaged in food and feed safety, who already have experience in risk assessment analysis. The participants will gain deeper understanding in risk assessment analysis and in risk communication measures. Consequently this BfR-Summer Academy is from professionals to professionals.
The first BfR-Summer Academy was held in 2012. In the last 10 years more than 800 participants from over 70 different countries took part in this professional training. The 10th BfR-Summer Academy will be open to participants from institutes engaged in risk assessment of food.
The 10th BfR-Summer Academy 2022 will be held online. The participation is free of charge.
Due to the pandemic situation, this year‘s 10th BfR-Summer Academy will be a digital event. It will take place from 5 – 16 September 2022. Considering the internationality and the different time zones in which the participants are located, the BfR-Summer Academy will be divided into the following parts:
- September 5 to 9; 10:30 – 13:30 UTC, lecture series for all time zones
- September 12 to 15; 07:00 – 11:00 UTC, workshops for Eastern time zones (limited number of participants)
- September 13 to 16; 12:00 – 16:00 UTC, workshops for Western time zones (limited number of participants)
The workshops for Eastern and Western time zones are the same! Only a limited number of participants can take part in the interactive workshops.
FlyerIf you have any questions regarding the 10th BfR-Summer Academy 2022, please contact the BfR-Summer Academy Team: summeracademy@bfr.bund.de
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8 – 10
10589 Berlin Germany
www.bfr.bund.de/en -