03.11.2022: International Symposium „One substance – one assessment? The next 20 years“

03. – 04.11.2022

International Symposium „One substance – one assessment? The next 20 years“

The International Symposium “One substance - one assessment? The next 20 years” of the BfR takes place on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the institute; a fitting time to draw a critical résumé of what has been achieved for consumer health protection in the last two decades and to take a look into the future.


You will find the presentations as well as livestream recordings further down on this website.


The core thesis of the event, “One substance, one assessment”, is probably a consensus in the EU – however, it is still at least several years away from its consistent implementation. It is not only based on an economic motivation through simplification and acceleration of procedures as well as reduction of bureaucracy, but primarily on improved protection of humans from adverse effects: at the workplace as well as at home.

Register here and join us in analysing how this goal can be achieved on the basis of currently relevant examples. Three sessions will be devoted specifically to

  • Health risk assessment. The focus will be on New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), mixture toxicity, human studies and modelling.
  • Effectiveness of social media, videos and other visual elements in communicating risks.
  • Antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals.


Livestream recordings

Presentations from 03.11.2022

Session I
Effectiveness of social media, videos and other visual instruments in risk communication – how can we get there?

Suzan Fiack, BfR, Germany
How to develop new tailored communication tools

Barbara Gallani, European Food Safety Authority, Parma, Italy
Risk communication and EFSA

Mercedes Viñas, European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki, Finland
Tattoos and poisoning accidents − joint campaigning for EU citizens

Claudio Canales, Chilean Agency for Food Safety and Quality, Santiago, Chile
Creativity and risk communication: building trust and education through social media

Sara Mikrut Vunjak, Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Osijek, Croatia
Public institution and cinema movies

Michelle Patel, Food Standards Agency, London, UK
Innovative ways of exchanging knowledge with society

Session II
Antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals – new trends and challenges

Jean-Yves Madec, Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort, France
Challenges related to the environmental dimension of AMR

Bernd-Alois Tenhagen, BfR
Role of benchmarking in the reduction of antibiotic consumption in animal husbandry

Presentations from 04.11.2022

Session III
Risk health assessments – challenges and strategies

Maurice Whelan, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
Keynote: Key elements for better regulation of chemicals

Thomas Hartung, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Keynote: Toxicology for the 21st century 2.0

Anne Marie Vinggaard, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
Chemical mixture risk assessment in the past and the future

Jacob van Klaveren, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Mixture risk assessment from science to policy

Tewes Tralau, BfR
Mixture risk assessment – 20 years of toxicology and still no quick fix. Can NAMs finally provide a solution?

Georges Kass, EFSA, Parma, Italy
Use of NAMs in the area of food safety

Bob van de Water, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Breaking the barriers for toxicogenomics in risk assessment

Ellen Fritsche, Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Düsseldorf, Germany
An in vitro battery adressing developmental neurotoxicity

Nicole Kleinstreuer, The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Durham, USA
Building models for regulatory application: understanding challenges and increasing trust

The International Symposium “One substance - one assessment? The next 20 years” is part of the Berlin Science Week 2022.

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