26.11.2024: Spotlight: Food additives – Status quo on chemical analysis and European regulations

26. – 27.11.2024
Spotlight: Food additives – Status quo on chemical analysis and European regulations
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) will hold an international conference focussing on food additives on 26th (start at noon) and 27th November 2024 (end at noon) in Berlin, Germany.
The conference will offer a platform for presenting and discussing current topics in the field of food additives such as activities of European and National Reference Laboratories, chemical analysis in official control and research, EU regulations and monitoring. We are looking forward to the participation of European scientific experts in this field to address future challenges and demands.
The following tentative food additive issues will be addressed in the conference sessions:- European regulations and monitoring- Scientific assessment- Reference Laboratories and implementation in official control- International projects and initiatives
Presentations from Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Katleen Baert, European Commission, Belgium
EU regulations and monitoring of food additives
Veronika Plichta, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH (AGES), Austria
Monitoring the intake of food additives in Austria
Ingrid Brand, BMEL, Germany
The monitoring programme for food additives in Germany
Julia Schreiner, Official Laboratory for Public Health System and Veterinary
The monitoring programme for food additives in Germany - the pilot phase in Saxony
Oliver Lindtner, BfR, Germany
Closing data gaps for exposure assessment of food additives - BfR MEAL study as an example
Séverine Goscinny, Sciensano, Belgium
European Union reference laboratory for food improvement agents
Christoph von Holst, European Commission‘s Joint Research Centre, Belgium
European Union reference laboratory for feed additives: experience from 11 years organising proficiency testing
Susanne Esslinger, BfR, Germany
German national reference laboratory for food additives and flavourings
Sabine Kemmlein, Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Germany
Standardisation of (food additive) methods – German Official Collection of Methods of Analysis
Presentations from Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Joris Van Loco, Sciensano, Belgium
Challenges in food additive analysis for ensuring traceability in the food chain
Bernd Haber, BASF SE, Germany
Purity criteria on food additives
Francesca Ferraris, Italian National Institute of Health, Italy
Food additives consisting of particulate materials: challenges and way forward in safety assessment and analytical characterisationSéverine Goscinny, Sciensano, Belgium
Development, validation and application of multi-class methods for the analysis of food additives by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry
Claudia Oellig, University of Hohenheim, Germany
High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography analysis of E 471 and E 472 emulsifiers: analytical approaches and challenges
Jan Kuhlmann, SGS Germany GmbH, Germany
Solutions to overcome issues in the analysis of free and ester-bound 3-MCPD as well as ester-bound glycidol in mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (E 471)
Venue:German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Location Marienfelde
Lecture Theatre
Diedersdorfer Weg 1
12277 Berlin -