27.05.2024: International Conference: Global commodity chains from a risk assessment perspective

27. – 29.05.2024

International Conference: Global commodity chains from a risk assessment perspective

The conference will bring together national and international experts in feed and food chains, digitalisation and consumer health protection to exchange and transfer knowledge on concepts, data and tools for a holistic evaluation of risks in global commodity chains.


Abstracts DOI: 10.17590/20240618-104950-0

The presentations can be found further down this website.


The focus will be on innovative techniques and digital solutions to integrate data and knowledge about hazards, exposure and technologies for improved risk assessment along feed and food chains.

- Guest Perspective
- Setting the scene
- Traceability systems and commodity chain information
- Early warning, predictive models and prevention strategies
- Software solutions supporting outbreak investigations and risk assessments
- Interactive session (workshop, poster, software fair)
- Innovative analytical approaches
- Data and knowledge integration
- Integrated food and feed systems

Abstracts DOI: 10.17590/20240618-104950-0

Presentations from 27.05.2024

Laurent Guillier, Anses, France
From data to decision: Leveraging WGS as a tool for precision risk assessment along the food production chain up to consumption

Hyochin Kim, National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, South Korea
New approach for AMR monitoring and surveillance using NGS

Sylvain Charlebois, Dalhousie University, Canada
History of traceability and global regulatory systems

Eric Stevens, FDA, USA
The New Modernization of the U.S. FDA Human Foods Program

Petter Olsen, Nofima, Norway
Should traceability systems in the food industry be based on blockchain technology?

Tim Bartram, GS1, Germany
GS1 based standards and data ecosystems

Hanno Friedrich, Kühne Logistics University, Germany
Using logistics data for food safety and food security analysis

Presentations from 28.05.2024

Jan Baele, European Commission, Belgium
The EU Alert and Cooperation Network: in (need of re-)shape?

Britta Müller, Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Germany
ISAR – Assessing the impact of the Ukraine war on the agri-food chain

Maria Eleni Dimitrakopoulou, Agroknow, Greece
Enhancing public health: Harnessing the power of AI in ensuring food safety

Paul Elsinghorst, Bundeswehr Medical Academy, Germany
Food Defense – More than secure supply chains

Marion Gottschald, BfR, Germany and Adam Friedlander, FDA, USA
Interoperable software tools for efficient supply chain tracing during foodborne illness investigations

Austyn Baumeister, Public Health Agency of Canada
Over twenty years of international foodborne outbreak data: How PAIFOD continues to support activities prevent foodborne illness in Canada

Watson Workshop: Solutions for Transparency and Integrity in the EU Food System

Zhijun Wang, University College Dublin, Ireland
The Watson approach to transparency and integrity

Eleni Chatzidimitriou, Foodscale Hub, Greece
A methodological framework for improving traceability & integrity throughout food value chains

Claudia Coral, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany
Highlighting gaps in the food fraud vulnerability assessment: An Example of the meat supply chain

Eric Stevens, FDA, USA
Global initiatives in the implementation of whole genome sequencing for food safety

Vincent Baeten, Walloon Agricultural Research Center, Belgium
Spectroscopic analysis for feed quality and safety control at site and in lab

Eric Jamin, Eurofins Analytics, France
Routine detection and interpretation of anomalies using multivariate and non-targeted methods

Chiara Dall’Asta, University of Parma, Italy
Innovations in the detection of unknown contaminants by non-targeted MS

Presentations from 29.05.2024

Ákos Jóźwiak, Digital Food Institute, Hungary
Prerequisites for data analysis and AI

Matthias Filter, BfR, Germany
The Risk Assessment Knowledge Integration Platform (RAKIP) Initiative and it’s solutions

Tome Eftimov, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Towards AI-driven food science and society: Opportunities and challenges

Sophia Johler, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Risk Negotiation - Integrated Risk Analysis for One Health

Anastasia Livaniou, EFSA, Italy
EFSA FoodEx2: Food classification system and Smart Coding App (SCA)

Sara Pires, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
New developments in Risk-benefit assessment

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)
lecture theater
Diedersdorfer Weg 1
12277 Berlin


Destination stop (www.bahn.com/en, www.bvg.de/en):
“Nahmitzer Damm/Marienfelder Allee (Berlin)”