Sustainable organisation of events

In line with the objectives of the Federal Government's Sustainable Development Strategy, the BfR Academy is committed to the sustainable organisation of events.

We focus on sustainable alternatives in all aspects of our events. This includes the selection of sustainable event venues, the use of resource-saving materials and the promotion of regional suppliers. We commission sustainable caterers for the catering at our events. We take care to minimise waste and use digital solutions to reduce paper consumption.

For quality assurance purposes, all employees regularly involved in the organisation and implementation of events on a large scale take part in relevant experience exchanges and training courses. An internal central contact point has been set up to build up and expand knowledge and experience relating to sustainably organised events. We document the application of the Federal Government's guidelines for the sustainable organisation of events (German) for events with 100 guests or more, which enables regular evaluation by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, among other things.

The BfR Academy team will be happy to provide you with further information on sustainable events. On the BfR website you will also find further information on the sustainability report (German) and environmental management of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment.