Day 1, 14 March 2023


Opening by representatives of the organising institutions (BMEL; EC-JRC; BVL; JKI; BfR; SCBD)

Session 1: Detection and identification of “classical” GMO and NGT products – Status and challenges

Keynote lecture: Achievements and future perspectives of GMO detection (Guy Van den Eede, EC-JRC)
NGT products and “classical” GM crops placed on the market and in the pipeline (Emilio Rodríguez Cerezo, EC-JRC)
Analytical strategies for detection and identification of GMO (Malcolm Burns, LGC-Group, UK)
Identification of known / unknown classical GMO and NGT products / reference materials (Alexandra Ribarits, AGES, AT)

18:00 – 20:00 Welcome cocktail in the lobby of the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus

Day 2, 15 March 2023

09:00 Session 2: Detection of NGT products – Analytical methods

Analytical methods for the detection of NGT products (Raymond Shillito, BASF, US)
NGT Products: Methods and Matters of Detection (Margit Ross, Corteva Agriscience, US)
Targeted methods to detect single nucleotide variations carried by gene-edited plants (Marie-Alice Fraiture, Sciensano, BE)
NGS-Tracking of CRISPR/Cas mutations in crops with complex genomes (Dirk Schenke, University of Kiel, DE)

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 Session 3 – Requirements for the Identification of NGT products
Challenges for the detection and identification of NGT products (Sławomir Sowa, PBAI-NRI, PL)
Evaluation of methods for the unequivocal identification of the single-mutations derived from NGT (Patrick Gürtler, LGL Oberschleißheim, DE)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 Session 4: Detection of “classical” GMOs – Analytical methods
Update targeted methods (PCR, NGS) (Frederic Debode, CRA-W, BE)
Update on the detection of GM seeds and stacked events methods (Reona Takabatake, Food Research Institute, JP)
Routine analysis of GMO in food and feed (Frank Narendja, EAA, AT)
Detection of undescribed GM bacteria (Fabrice Touzain, ANSES, FR)

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break

16:00 Poster Session and gathering

18:00 End of day 2

Historical guided tour of the Charité campus, Berlin-Mitte (limited places available, please sign in during registration on day 1)

Day 3, 16 March 2023

Session 5 – Regional networks: experiences gained in various regions

Examples of national /regional networks on GMO analysis (Dabing Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CN; Christopher Viljoen, School of Biomedical Sciences Human Molecular, ZA; Luu Minh Cuc, Institute of Agricultural Genetics, VN; Fabiola López Ramírez, Senasica, MX; Wadzanayi Mandiveny, Biosafety Clearing house, CA)

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 Session 6: Global information sharing
BCH Database (Austein McLoughlin, SCBD, CA)
EC-JRC/GMOMETHODS,GMO-Matrix and GMO-Screen tools (Laura Bonfini, EC-JRC)
EUginius database (Theo Prins, Wageningen Food Safety Research, NL)
The CropLife International Detection Methods Database (Sonia Herrero, Syngenta, US)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 Session 7: Alternative approaches for GMO traceability
Alternative strategies for GMO traceability using Blockchain technology (Inácio Henrique Yano, Embrapa, BR)
Alternative strategies for GMO traceability (Jenny Teufel, Institute for Applied Ecology, DE)

15:00 Panel discussion – Future needs detection / identification / harmonisation / capacity-building

16:00 Closing of the conference